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Soul Detox cost £29

A Soul Detox is a pre-recorded session which you can go through on your own. It takes you through various Sozo, forgiveness, and emotional healing tools. 


Bethel Sozo ministry at Harvest Church

​Session cost £60
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Considering a Sozo?


God's perfect plan for us was that we would grow up in families that perfectly represented who He is (Father/Son/Spirit), but no one's family experience is perfect. All of us have developed skewed perspectives, and life issues based on our own unique life experience. Sozo Deals effectively with these things, by addressing the root causes.


What Sozo deals with - (not exhaustive)


- Trusting God as provider

- Feeling misunderstood

- Addictions & compulsive behaviour

- Rejection issues

- Anger & Control issues

- Loneliness

- Patterns of sexual sin & abuse

- Hearing God's voice

- Knowing our identity

- Occult/demonic history


The Greek word translated "saved, healed, and delivered." Sozo contains the whole package of being made whole or well.


Sozo is an inner healing/deliverance ministry.

Sozo is simple, fast, Spirit led and effective.

Sozo finds issues in minutes instead of years.

Sozo equips you with tools for life's issues.

Sozo helps heal your relationship with God and enable you to fulfill your destiny.


Is this for me?

Are you having difficulties with your walk with God; difficulties hearing, seeing and sensing Him?

Do you feel that some kind of wall is preventing you from a breakthrough? Are you having difficulty with other relationships in your life, and don't seem to know why? Have you spent time and energy in trying to overcome issues in your life, but with no real success? Then this ministry is for you!


The Session

A Sozo session is not a counselling session but a time of interacting with Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Appointments: for ministry can be made through the church office. These private prayer times run from 1hr - 90 min on Zoom. You will be asked to make a donation for your Sozo ministry of £60 or more.

How to book: Fill in the online application form and one of our team will get back to you to book an appointment, or email Please donate to Sozo using the above link.

Copyright Harvest Ministries 2024

146 Priory Road Hall Green Birmingham B28 0TB                    



Harvest Ministries is a registered charity:

Number 1060258 All rights reserved

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